• Weekly Live Lessons and Coaching
    • Begin and end when you choose
    • Community Access and Resources
    • Document/video library
    • Amazing Guest Presenters
    • Discounts on other courses

    EOYT is for you if you’re:

    • Ready to sort something out but haven’t found the time.
    • Feeling burnt out – not sure how to take a break
    • Looking for more in your life and need a safe space to explore

    We meet weekly by ZOOM
    Recordings available anytime

It’s time to sort it out

For many of us, these unprecedented times have caused a shift in perspective. We are more thoughtful about: 

  • what we really want 
  • what is important to us 
  • how we want to feel 


But, what we may not know is, “How do I make this transition?” 

Join us in the Extraordinary – on your terms Weekly Workshop as we cover, monthly themes with new topics on that theme presented live each week. The topics inspire, support and celebrate living an extraordinary life - on your terms. The end of each workshop includes open Q&A. The sessions are recorded in case you miss a session. (But, you won’t want to miss a session 😉)

Karyn Pettigrew


Lise Marinelli


Karyn, your content, as well as your personal style really worked for me. I never felt like you were directing or pushing us, rather you were facilitating the process in a creative direction. It also impressed me when, instead of you writing what I envisioned, you handed me the pen. That’s a hard thing to do. Some see it as giving up control, but it was very empowering and very respectful of the process and to me, it shows that you are not there to give answers – you are there to show us we have the power and ability to find them ourselves.

Cameron Pilcher


After leaving the workshop, I knew that I had the confidence within me and the support around me that I need to make my dream and purpose a reality. The time the group spent turning inward as well as assessing our desires and ideals we hold dear allowed me to walk away with a toolkit that will help me pave the way towards my idea of happiness and success. Karyn effortlessly guides, supports, and motivates you to see the power that you have already and aids you in understanding how to utilize it to gain what it is you’re seeking. Absolutely fantastic and so much more than I could have imagined!

Elizabeth Londo


The longest journey we take in life is from our head to our heart, and Karyn is an amazing midwife of this journey. Our power and destiny emerge and our life truly begins when we claim what we love, name our dreams and our purpose, claim our strengths, and acknowledge where we need support without apology. I have worked with Beyond Blind Spots for 8 years, and I can’t imagine my life without Karyn continuing to call me to who I am becoming—most importantly on the days I have lost sight of the extraordinary life that is possible. Discovering my own Soul’s Code was the beginning of watching my work and my self align in ways that I never thought were possible. It has also brought more clarity to how to build the collaborative culture that is the core of Just In Time Direction. My story is still unfolding and the momentum has been dizzying at times. I know that Karyn will be an important touchstone as my true path continues to light up before me.

Harvard Business School Club

North Shore

Karyn, thank you for a wonderful presentation to the Breakfast Club. I have not ever seen the group more engaged, more thoughtful or more eager to learn. Your style, openness and good humor created a wonderful setting for exchange. Masterful!!

Julie Murphy Casserly


Many small business owners strive to implement their vision. In today’s world, everything moves at such a fast pace. We become not only derailed from our personal and business mission and vision, but also our mission and vision becomes clouded. This is where Karyn Pettigrew comes to the rescue. Since working with Karyn, I have increased my revenues from my firm by 30%. My work with her is far from done. I’ve always had this “itch” that I wasn’t fulfilling my life’s purpose. Karyn allows you to be EXACTLY who you are, as opposed to coaching you to fit into a certain box in your industry.

Jason Smikle & Ebele Mora


Karyn is one of the smartest business minds we know, and her real world executive experience and Harvard training make her one of the best business coaches an entrepreneur could ever have. What makes her especially effective is her ability to understand business in the context of real life emotions, fears and mental barriers we all go through while creating ideas with uncertain outcomes. For years she has shown us new ways to navigate our biggest challenges so that we can continue to build, innovate and grow our business to compete at the highest levels. There are very few executive coaches that can do that and we appreciate Karyn for being a part of our team.


Start anytime. Cancel anytime.

Bundle includes

Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle.