How is the course taught?
Each week you’ll have access to a new video lesson and worksheets, then we’ll have a live Zoom group session to debrief the content from that week’s lesson.
How many people are in the group cohort?
There will be a max of 10 people in each cohort. There may be more than one cohort each round.
Do I need to prepare anything before the course begins?
Yes, a few things. To help you create the conditions for your learning, we ask that you put your live session dates (with the zoom information) on your calendar to prevent double booking the time. We also recommend that you block out the time on your calendar when you’ll watch the videos and work on your exercises. Participants typically allow a minimum of 90 minutes per week.
What if I have questions during the course?
You will be able to ask questions of me and your cohort in the Thinkific platform community – which I will check several times a day.
What if I’m not yet at mid-stage life?
You’re still welcome to join! The material is relevant for anyone.
What Bonuses are available?
If you pay for the course in full, one payment, you get a bonus private 30-minute coaching session.
What if I don’t get clarity on my vision?
We are 100% committed to our client’s success. You wouldn’t be receiving this invite if I doubted your ability to gain clarity and cast a vision that excites and motivates you.
And here’s your proof… As long as you’re “doing the work” i.e. working the plan and taking the actions we recommend, consistently…we’ll keep working with you to clear the mental and energetic clutter so that you can draft your vision. -
What’s the investment?
If you enroll in the next 48 hours, your investment is just $1000. (That’s $200 off the “regular” investment of $1200 as my Thank You for being decisive.)
If cash flow is tight, you’re welcome to use our two-payment option. You’ll secure your spot now with your first payment of $600 followed by one more payment of $600 in 30 days. -
How do I get one of the spots?
There’s no need to send any money right this second.
All you have to do right now is let me know that you’re in.
Simply reply with “I’m in!”
Then we’ll get you set up.
I’m so excited for the possibilities for you!
Sending you cheers and all my best,
FAQs for "Who Am I Now?" Course